Monday, March 21, 2005

George and Jeb's Florida,
the vegetative state

We’re witnessing history here, fellow Americans. We have a biologically operative congressional leadership, vegetating for the Christian Coalition against seventy-five percent of Americans, with a White House equal to the mindless, mind-numbing task of turning your democracy, your family, and any law they can deem unfit upside down. Call them contradictory, cognitively vegetative and they are taking action tonight to walk through the front door of your house and decide how to run your family. Better hide your teenagers or they’ll grab them and take them off to die in their illegal war while they’re at it.

Hey, Congress, how about a little universal health insurance over here to fund the vegetative state to which you are driving us.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

White knight or political pawn?

The president leaves his ranch-sans-herd to rush to the legislative bedside of Terri Schiavo. The governor sits in Tallahassee. Does he have a "ranch?" probably should get one to ready himself for his presidential run. Brother Jeb awaits an outcome favorable to his rise to dynasty (funny word, dy-nasty). If only he can keep TS alive through the homestretch, fall 2008.

The values voters, neocon driven, puppeteer ready, root on the sidelines. It's OK if their party promotes states rights, keeps government out of our private lives except when they see a mindless game of "life at all costs." This one stinks worse than an open colostomy bag valve.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Concern for Terri Schiavo

It’s been awhile. There is much to write about. I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking, working my day job. Avoiding TV news. But blog on I must.

What does America’s premier writer of love and death, John Dufresne, think of this Terri Schiavo ordeal. I must believe he is keeping copious notes. By the way, I’m into Died and Gone to Heaven at this point, the third to last story of Johnny Too Bad, one of the best books I’ve ever had the privilege of holding in my hands. The other night, sitting by my fireplace after a hard days work, sipping a Jameson’s day before St. Pat’s day, I read one of the most astoundingly honest and entertaining stories ever, JTB, the title story of my dear acquaintance’s book.

Tonight, after visiting my son, who was kind of sick today, delivering ginger ale and saltines, Pepto Bismol, bottled water, I finally caught today’s big story. The courts, the Florida sorry-ass excuse for a governor, the Florida state legislature, and now the U.S. congress, hell, even Larry Fucking King, are all trying to ride some sort of horse they hope will be high enough to keep this Terri Sciavo alive to prove some sort of theory that America won’t let anybody die if it can help it.

Wow. This may seem like a rant from a poster who has been asleep since Feb 1 but that is not the truth. I’m worried about us. I’m afraid about how we work. I have a wonderful son, hope he is feeling better in the morning, and an astoundingly beautiful daughter with a perfect boyfriend (he’s also my friend). And they have to live with all this bullshit America has become under this frightening, so-called leadership for much longer than I do.

So, here’s to George W. Bush. Here’s to Larry King. Here’s to Scarborough Country. With a special nod to Bill O’Rielly, and Jeb Bush, throw in Peter Jennings, and that new anchor at NBC (what’s his name?), and all them jackasses on CNN, especially Wolf Blitzer and Mr. 360 himself. You are all hurting us. Fuck you all.

Get out of our lives. Let Democracy be. It’s done fine without you, so back off.

Set some precedent here. Stick that feeding tube back in poor Teri. You’ll see more of us sticking pistols in our mouths and pulling the trigger if you do. Have a nice day