Paul Krugman, a national treasure, writes the Cliff Notes for his bad novel in today’s NYT. Krugman, and other intelligent people with hearts of gold, represents another reason why you should keep your television off: You’ll rarely find them there. Television is for Republicans.
Another novel idea
Wither principle, Democrats?
Anna Quindlen is another gem in the mud pile left over from the 2004 elections. Doing what is right rather than what gets you elected? Interesting.
Presidential Medal of Fiefdom
More evidence Bush should rename the medal. Here’s the big winner, out of government but back in the news today. For what? Well apparently he was asleep at the wheel pre-9/11, too. Fire up the furnace, boys, with all the incompetence we can expect in the next four years, we’ll need the metal!
Mower Relief
I’ve been away for a while; had this Santa thing to attend to, then developed a program to raise money for tsunami relief in South Asia. If all goes well, volunteers will be maintaining the little landscaped entrance to our neighborhood rather than a lawn service. Mower Relief will donate the savings to Oxfam or some such reputable organization like World Vision. We could raise as much as three or four thousand dollars. I'll present the plan at the annual budget meeting next week. Break a leg.