Friday, October 21, 2005

We played chicken with Wilma and she won

Arrived in Key West Tuesday night. Mary and I had delicious grouper sandwiches at Caroline’s, walked around a bit, went to bed at La Concha. The FIU Writers’ conference began the next morning at 8:30 and ended at 10:30. Visitors were ordered to evacuate, hotels and conference centers were closing. Mary attended one workshop with Dan Wakefield, and I with Jim Daniels. Jim’s was interesting and I looked forward to exploring some of his ideas for writing in poetic forms I had yet to explore.

I look forward to being able to work with Denise and Nick another time, it's been several years, but it was great seeing them again and chatting if only for several minutes.

Suddenly we were looking for flights and buses to Miami; van rides; and conference directors and faculty were trying to hook us up with a plan; a concierge suggesting of all things a ferry to Fort Meyers then saying, cool it, you’ll be fine for a day or two here.

We went back to the conference site, Pier House, had a drink at the beach bar, swam in the Gulf of Mexico, went out to dinner, and I had a poem critiqued by a guy next to me at The Green Parrot Bar.

The next morning I watched Channel 6 from Miami taping mundane scenes of Conchers carrying plywood. Flew into Miami, where we were interviewed by Channel 10 (Ooooo, were you scared?) gave my 120 second editorial of how they should be covering more important stories such as Bush budget cuts affecting needed levee reconstruction in New Orleans for the past five years and hiring idiots to run agencies such as FEMA. (My nephew in Ft. Lauderdale reports it was aired, along with Mary’s interview).

Many thanks to the FIU writing faculty for doing the best they could with what they were dealt. Especially Cindy Chinelly, so responsive, so on top of minute-to-minute changes. And Les Standiford, who tried the best he could to fit two into one seat in his car (take my wife, please, take my wife!).

We tried. And I got a lead on a good long poem I’m working on now. No, so far, it doesn’t have a thing to do with Key West, the conference, or hurricanes.

And we were able to visit with my dear sister, Carol, on a four-hour layover in Miami.

Back on the farm now,

Tom Todaro.