LONE WOLF, America--The Associated Press reports a Cobra helicopter shot down near Ramadi.
Now 2,037 dead American military men and women, some fifteen to sixteen thousand wounded, maimed, life-changed. Hundreds of thousands “free” Iraqis killed. Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL) was founded on the lies of fear, based on pornographic dreams of rich people and insecure wanna-be intellectuals. Come on! Bring it home. Call it a day. If we want real democracy we’ll clean up the military mess and go back and fix what we broke the best we can.
We click off lives lost as we click off the days in Iraq with no end in sight. And how many terrorists have we killed today. And how many innocents have we killed today. And how many more will make it just?
How many have we tortured today? How many have we freed today? Weigh it, balance it like the books, like the profit margins of the top oil producers, in billions of dollars stolen in one quarter of this year. Lies and fakery.
How slowly can Libby, Rove, Cheney and Bush spin in the wind? And how long until we cut them off? Impeach them now. End the war now. Save us all now.
When Colin Powell said, break it we own it, the neocons salivated over owning all that oil. They got it wrong. We own something other than that coveted black gold. We own a wicked liquid, the blood on our hands. Bye, guys. Time for new leaders in government, in business, in education. Bye, bye.
Borrowed this from The Writer’s Almanac:
“Yeats said that a writer must work a way inwards, into self-knowledge. I am always surprised at what I find in myself and this to me is the most rewarding part of being a writer." --Doris Lessing
Is the Bush administration influencing domestic policy?
Mayor wants to cut thumbs off graffiti artists. What’s next? plucking the eyes from strip club patrons?
And the quote of the day (yesterday, from Thinkexist.com):
"Reality can destroy the dream; why shouldn't the dream destroy reality?"
- George Moore.