Well, Lawrence Ferlinghetti wins a special, first-time-ever prize.
Harold Augenbraum, executive director of the National Book Foundation, which sponsors the annual awards, calls Ferlinghetti "a natural choice" for the literarian award.
"A literarian is someone who loves literature so much that he or she wants to share it with as many people as possible, so this award is for those who dedicate their lives to love of literature," Augenbraum said via phone.
Congratulations to The Man of Columbus Avenue.
I know two people I’d nominate for their generosity in poetry and stories: Denise Duhamel and John Dufresne.
Anthony’s into his fifth consecutive week onstage in his Tuesday group at Whole World Theatre. Break a leg, my friend.
Joy and Pat had us out for a sneak preview of Syriana last night. Interesting movie. Might want to see it a second time. I’d recommend it. Had a pizza at Fellini’s after that. Joy and Pat are getting married in June. I’ve been cast as father of the bride.
In the news today, Lies, Lies, More Lies . . .