Sunday, November 20, 2005

Pseudo War; what is it good for?

Absolutely nothing, and, as they say in Lite beer commercials, less. Five more American soldiers die yesterday; three “insurgents” commit suicide rather than face capture and torture.

What is wrong here? The evidence in American socio-political-governmental culture is overwhelming that the Bush Administration invaded Iraq under false pretenses with ulterior motives. Even the ulterior motives are turning out to be folly, whatever they are, (own the oil, globalization for corporate greed in the name of democracy? End terrorism like putting out a fire with gasoline?) Under the auspices of what? a crusade (Bush’s own word), an “onward Christian soldier” charade?

It is amazing the opponent commits suicide rather than be captured. Guess they’ve seen the torture slide show on the Internet.

As the poor suffer, as American taxpayers are milked dry, as generations of our offspring face a bleak future in paying for the lies, the crimes, the tragedy of a falling Bush empire, the rich benefit: The Cheney kind, the oil companies, the Halliburton gangs, and all the other thugs Bush surrounds himself with (“Oh, sure, Bush ain’t the best but I’ll vote for him because of the good people around him.”)

What in the hell is this all for? Enough is enough. Impeach the criminal gang.

Why do we write?

"People make the mistake of regarding commitment as something solely political. A writer is committed to trying to make sense of life. It's a search. So there is that commitment first of all: the commitment to the honesty and determination to go as deeply into things as possible, and to dredge up what little bit of truth you with your talent can then express." --South African novelist Nadine Gordimer