Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Brown Thrasher Nesting, Singing

Here is what is nesting outside our second-floor window this spring, on a trellis covered with yellow Jasmine. It is the Georgia state bird.

Robins usually nest there but since Brown Thrasher babies hatch in under two weeks, then fledge after another two, maybe the redbreasts are waiting their turn. They nest when it gets a bit warmer up here.

With the largest song repertoire of any other bird in America, the Thrasher is part of the mockingbird family though more secretive. I used to wonder what all the commotion was in our backyard—they’re always around—until I played this.

The Brown Thrasher is about ten inches long, ours look bigger. The male will defend his nest fiercely, is known to attack people and dogs, and can draw blood with that long beak. The trellis is on our garden and it’s way past time to plant flower seeds. To be continued, with my own photos if I can get them from the window.