I feel tired after all of this. You must have just happened across the blog, because I haven’t written anything here since April.
But I just read something posted on “Truth Dig,” a trusty blog.
It is written in anticipation of Pat Tillman’s birthday, 6 November, by his twin brother Kevin. Pat, you may recall, was killed in Afghanistan 22 April 2004. The Pentagon trumpeted his heroic death, shot by the enemy, in trying to save his brothers in arms in battle. It was later revealed, after the Bush Administration got enough political propaganda mileage from the incident in a presidential reelection year, that Pat’s death was a result of friendly fire.
You may recall Pat gave up a promising, lucrative career in the NFL to serve his country. And how he joined his twin brother, the writer of the letter on this link, as his, well, real brother in arms. Pat is gone, of course. Kevin, the honorable warrior, waited until his discharge to write this for Pat’s birthday.
I was going to e-mail this to people I thought would take it to heart; not think I’m just trying to sway the “stay-the-course” crowd brainwashed so terribly by the Bush administration. I don’t know who you are anymore, but you do. Just thought maybe you’d check in again and read Kevin’s letter to Pat.