This is a picture of Joy's & Pat's dog, Ronin after chewing a perfect circle in a Frisbee. He eats everything. (See http://thespazzreport.blogspot.com/
Joy (my daughter) works with the Atlanta office of a modeling agency. According to The Spaz Report http://thespazzreport.blogspot.com/ she works “as a wrangler of all the pretty mercenaries.”
She also works at a cool woman’s clothing boutique weekends. She works seven days a week. From a guy who works seven days a month, I’m impressed. I’ve been in the store. Mary buys clothes there. Very interesting outfits, no thanks to the mass marketers; interesting customers, too. Joy lives in a movie waiting to be written. She’s a good writer, too, made her mark in the Agnes Scott College English department.
The Rice spin, made more wobbly
All you gotta do is watch a little TV, read a lot, and this game is easy. I commented on that little piece of spinning, overcooked Rice yesterday after watching our National Security Advisor on CNN. This email came in late yesterday. http://www.misleader.org/daily_mislead/Read.asp?fn=df10042004.html
I think I’m getting the hang of this game called top. Franchise democracy, franchise The White House! Home of the Whopper!
Get thee to another PR firm! or a think tank with fresh ideas! (The more he spoke of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.—Emerson.)