In golf, match play, Kerry would be declared the debate winner: Two up with one to play. There is no way you can win (2-1?) after another debate.
I was struck by the way the words, “I like our values,” slipped off W-Ya!’s tongue last night. It was a surrealistic, serpentine experience, an existential hallucination maybe. He probably could have scored more points if he would have said to Kerry, “I like your shoes,” after Kerry condensed Bush’s tax-cut beneficiaries in the room at Washington University to Bush, Charlie Gibson, and himself.
EVERY TIME YOU LISTEN TO BUSH, listen to Emerson: “The more he spoke of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.” W-Ya! has spent his last two years on the job defending his blunders! We should demand he return his salary and expenses to the Treasury Department.