Mary and I were fortunate enough to witness the most remarkable, most powerful twenty-two minutes of public expression in decades, Jon Stewart on CNN’s Crossfire. Stewart in the most elegant, simplest terms defined what is wrong with the media with questions, and pleas for help from the shouters, the distorters, the partisan puke-spewers of corporate media in America today.
He did to Tucker Carlson, and by extension Bob Novak, Bill O’Liely, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity . . . oh my God I’m getting such a high from this . . . what I have dreamed about for years—reaching into the TV screen and slapping some sense into commentators and fake journalists.
My sister in Miami, on the phone, with her husband in the room, and I here in N. Georgia, were stunned. She remarked that maybe something is happening here, and I, What it is ain’t exactly clear. But we’re working hard, it’s hard work . . . something is going down!
Let’s give it up for a great American, a patriot, Jon Stewart. If you missed the show, I can only hope somebody picks it up and replays if for you over, and over, and over . . .