Them Christians just
don’t know when to quit
My daughter has two bumper stickers on her ’89 Olds: “You can pray in my school if I can teach in your church.” And, “Somewhere in Texas there is a village missing an idiot.” She lives in Blue Atlanta and I live in the Red suburbs. We switched cars today so I could have some work done on her olds. Boy was I proud driving her bumper stickers around this red part of town.
I watched Hannity and colmes “interview” Pat Roberson as he preached his vision of how our government should be run and claimed there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that separates church and state.
The first step is complete, according to that whacko: GWB went un-re-defeated. But that’s not enough until Jesus Christ owns the Supreme Court.
I have tried so hard all of my life to open myself to religious belief, it hurts.
Now I am so at peace knowing that this Jesus Christ is not my answer. It only continues to hurt that they blur that Jesus with the Jesus people I love believe in.
The only way I can follow is to strip my lexicon of all this false language associated with these “values” people right down to the question of God. And God is a question, after all.
The so-called evangelists have driven a wedge into all people. Like the war in Iraq has created terrorism, this kind of Christianity is creating atheists.
Let’s give it up for John Dufresne
John’s book, The Lie That Tells A Truth, is a great pick of William Safire’s for gifts of books about language, in this past Sunday’s New York Times Magazine. John welcomes all into the wonderful world of storytelling in ways only a generous man such as he knows how.
It’s fitting that the book is recommended as a gift, as John is a most giving guy.