Why is Rumsfeld on the run
if Bush is commander in chief?
All the dutiful snooooozzzzzz reporters are dutifully running the press releases: "Rumsfeld criticized." What is the commander in chief of? Rummy is becoming just another tracer bullet in a sad, dangerous American policy machine.
Come on "journalists," get off your fixation on Peterson murder stories (all day on the sentencing trial, CNN?) Get off your fat corporate asses and do some damn reporting! Even Larry King has become a pathetic part of all this.
This comes to me from Raina
and Mary, two of the best people I know
If each American who voted Democratic in 2004 spends $100 in 2005 on a Blue company instead of a Red company, we can move $5 Billion away from Red companies and add $5 Billion to the income of companies who donate to Democrats. To spend your money wisely this holiday season, check out these websites for info on good (and bad) businesses.
Burr. It's cold here on the toad farm
We're looking at 20 degrees by morning. Glad the days are sunny. High today was thirty-nine. Lots of firewood stacked and we're ready.