W, Time’s Man of the Year
Good choice, Time, Inc. I think Richard Clarke would have been good, too, or Al Franken, maybe Osama bin Laden (was he considered again?); Thomas Friedman would have been an excellent consideration, maybe some of them leaders who are screwing up the party in Iraq, making a difference for years and years to come.
But since W changed the way we elect our leaders, through fantasy, I think he is the man, cowboy of the year maybe? Mini Me-man of the year with a side of Dick “go fuck yourself” Cheney?
“The first TIME poll since the election has his approval rating at 49%. Gallup has it at 53%, which doesn't sound bad unless you consider that it's the lowest December rating for a re-elected President in Gallup's history,” says Time Magazine.
There are, after all, the best of Time’s and worst of Time’s in this “person of the year business.”