Friday, September 24, 2004

Another day weeding lies on the farm

Bill Schneider says Al Qaeda wants Bush defeated. HUH?

My take, sent in an email to CNN, is this:

Bill Schneider, why would Al Qaeda prefer Kerry?

Al Qaeda has recruited thousands under Bush and his coalition of 150,000 American troops, 7,000 British (soon to be cut by half), and a joke. And the joke is bailing out right and left.

John Kerry will have the same guns and intelligence agencies Bush has now, but he has a new policy of inclusion and will kick-start diplomacy with a clean slate. He'll immediately have international ears refreshed anew and ready to listen. His prospects are to gather more world support in fighting Islamic terror at home and abroad. Do you think Al Qaeda is rooting for a world unified against it? If you do your logic is flawed.

Seems like your partisanship is showing, Mr. Schneider. (Bill Schneider also works for the neoconservative hostage, American Enterprise Institute.)

On one upbeat note, it was encouraging to see the media hammer Bush for some straight talk in the Rose Garden today. We didn’t get any but it was good seeing reporters like David Gregory, NBC News, hold W-Ya to a question. Never got an answer, but it’s a start. Probably won’t see Mr. Gregory called on by W-Ya again, though.


Mr. President, you said Iraq was about to use weapons of mass destruction (WMD) against us. You still mention the attacks on the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, and the tragic crash of an airplane, a.k.a. 911, in the same breath as Saddam Hussein. Now we know that 911 and WMD were eliminated from notes on reality as history is being written. The world knows Iraq didn’t attack us on that horrible day. You say, Better to fight the war on terror in Iraq than here at home. My question is, was your initial decision in reality to gut a country and open it up for terrorists crossing the borders from Iran, Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, let tens of thousands of people die, while creating a haven for terrorists for years to come? Just because you had a convenient address to bomb? Or did you let them neoconservatives fool you? Some of us held signs in the lead-up to war that read, No blood for oil. Were we on the right track back then?

Wouldn’t it have been more logical, saner, to root out the people who attacked the United States on 11 September 2001 through, and I know this is not a simple word for you, intelligence?

Oh, and one follow-up: Are those neoconservatives the “good people” around you? My friends and family members who voted for you said their reasoning at the time was that, “he has good people around him.”


Err, let’s see here. Ted Kennedy, our senior senator, was detained at airports. He was on the no-fly list. John Lewis, one of our greatest American patriots and most respected members of congress in all quarters, detained repeatedly at airports (don’t these security guards and their supervisors know their congressmen?). Cat Stevens, now Yusuf Islam, “Peace Train” author and singer of much fame, causes the diversion of a flight from London to the U.S., returned to London by your Homeland Security Department. Right, he’s on the list too.

Flash back to Sept. 11, 2004. Men known to be terrorists with sights on attacking America are admitted onto a flight from Dulles Airport, hijack the airplane and crash it into The Pentagon. Where was W-YA? Pretending to advocate reading? (Next news conference I’d ask the Weasel for his reading list.) Where was John Ass-craft then? By the way, where is he now?

Maybe the next Bush ad should be scripted as: “I’m George W. Bush, and I’m making the world safe from Ted Kennedy, John Lewis, and that guy who used to sing stuff like, ‘Another Saturday night and I ain’t got no money . . .’ The economy is turning the corner! I’m creating new jobs! You’ll have plenty of money on Saturday night soon!”


If you live in Atlanta, you can exercise your patriotism by going to Florida. It doesn’t pay like Halliburton in Iraq, but you shouldn’t be bothered by gunfire, rocket-propelled grenades, and improvised explosive devices. It’s a job opportunity with not much chance of getting axed, either. And your expenses will be paid on behalf of a better environment.