Wednesday, September 29, 2004

If you had a big old TV set in your backyard

If you had a big old hulking television set in your backyard, and you propped it up on concrete blocks, painted the image of the American Flag on the screen, what would you write over the flag? if you had a message? Maybe, Programming will resume when democracy is restored.

I have the TV, a green wheelbarrow tilted down beside it, and a rooster painted on a satellite dish. Is that important?

Easy reading is damn hard writing—Ralph Waldo Emerson.

And this Emerson quote is worth repetition: “The more he spoke of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.” Why does W-YA! brag and protest too much?

I’d paint Bush, as well as many of my would-be clients, exemplary of braggadocio as wishful strategy. My advice, coupled with the great advertising maxim of “There is nothing stronger than the truth,” would be to get thee to another ad agency, thou mammering idle-headed moldwarp!

Listen to an immortal George who happens to be a woman:

“Given, a man with moderate intellect, a moral standard not higher than the average, some rhetorical affluence, and a great glibness of speech, what is the career in which, without the aid of birth or money, he may most easily attain power and reputation in English society? Where is that Goshen of mediocrity in which a smattering of science and learning will pass for profound instruction, where platitudes will be accepted as wisdom, bigoted narrowness as holy zeal, unctuous egoism as God-given piety?”-- George Eliot, "Evangelical Teaching: Dr. Cumming," an essay ridiculing the career of evangelism, printed in "Westminster Review," 1850s

Is George woman enough for you, Oh happily corralled soccer moms, now known in the surrealistic world as Security Moms? You better watch your children because there is a lot of brainwashing going on. Better yet, watch out for yourselves. Oh, almost forgot, If you vote for Bush your eighteen to twenty-six year-old children will be drafted and sent to the most dangerous places in the world.

Pat made us a great vegan dinner last night. Tomato sauce and fettuccini. We reviewed the video of Anthony’s grad show. Anthony and I had lunch earlier and did a little preview beforehand. He’s waiting to hear about advanced placement at Whole World Theatre. Pat and I are playing golf at The Dump tomorrow. Pat is The Cookie! I love what he’s doing in the kitchen (he cooked all day for our dinner.) I had two kids and now I have three. Life is so sweet.