Thursday, September 30, 2004


I was three strokes over par after nine holes at The Hooch today, finished eleven over. We didn’t play The Dump because Pat and Joy had car trouble this morning. Pat went to the Honda dealer. The car was making a noise but it stopped before Pat got to the mechanic. The mechanic couldn’t get it to make that noise.

I told Pat maybe a cat climbed up into car somewhere underneath, made some noise, jumped out. He looked under there and found a tree branch lodged up in the engine and pulled it out.

Elly’s doctor called and said she’ll know the report on Elly’s goiter, cyst, tumor, wall-nut-sized pimple by Monday. So I wondered about that for a while. Then I started thinking about the yardfishies. Then Monday became Wednesday.

Dr. Juanita was Ginger’s doctor, too. Ginger was diagnosed with lymphoma and euthanized just a few weeks later. She was nine.

Ginger was Joy’s dog, a Christmas present wrapped in a cardboard doghouse fashioned from a water heater carton and decorated in house paint. Ginger used to come in after a rough day in the yard and she’d get a hug or a kiss from Joy, me, Momma, or Anthony. Often her breath smelled of fish. My take on the observation was, well, dead lizards smell like fish, and we have a lot of salamanders in our yard, Ginger must be eating lizards. We dubbed them, “yardfishies.’

From then on, whenever one of us got a whiff we’d yell, “Ginger’s been eating them yardfishies again!” And then the same with Elly.

I’ve seen dogs toy with earthworms like bedding Big-mouth Bass. Elly was bit by a baby pigmy rattlesnake in our back yard. I witnessed it using a flashlight. Anthony was with me. She thought she was hunting some big worm.

And Elly has that yardfishies breath now and then, too, though she’s more of an in-house homebody and doesn’t graze on the reptile world as much as Ginger probably did.

I’m wondering if there might be a particularly high level of mercury, arsenic, pcp’s, or some other such dangerous substance in them yardfishies, killing our pets.

Could it be a new ex-urban farmers' warning? Abnormalities in frogs are the first signs of habitat degradation to the environmental biologist, as I understand it. The reptiles are the whistleblowers. I wonder if toxic yardfishies are killing the pets.

Dr Juanita said yesterday that two pathologists looked at Elly’s case. They find nothing to be afraid of and healthy cells surrounding the location. In other words I think they got it all, if in fact there was anything to get.


This Christian soldier now declares that he is AWOL. Birth me again once sanity returns to the planet or change the records forever more! If you must classify me, check the box next to Secular Humanist! What? no box?—Tom Todaro

Oh, I see, the evangelicals have found a new strategy: FOR US OR AGAINST US. Unique. Love the presidential seal. Nice touch.

Best solution is to vote in vast numbers. Even the machine cheaters must match up to exit polling for a reasonable conclusion.

BUT DON’T FORGET! Count the flatware! It's all that rank tickle-brained clack-dish's fault!