Wednesday, November 17, 2004

A Bad Air Day

Besides learning that his is The Greatest Show On Earth, greater even than Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus, things I was informed of listening to Rush Limbaugh the other day.

*Bong Water Beer, from a microbrewery (name escapes me).

*Woman fined $40 for miscues and getting the words wrong while singing the Mexican National Anthem (I think at a sporting event).

*Fox TV’s new show, “Cold Turkey,” follows the miseries of people quitting smoking; win a million dollars!

It’s been almost never since I last listened to “Rushbo” (yes, his ditto-headed listeners call him that), and it will be at least that long until I do again. Scary that so many stupid people listen to the whole thing every day. The show is nothing but twisted, propaganda-laden air pollution.

I was going to offer a few examples but why bother. The whole show is a bad example.