Sunday, September 19, 2004

Who is buried under the family tree?

I Googled myself for the first time. There are a lot of Todaro's. I had four inconsequential hits (no pun intended) on me, but there are many pages for the name. One is Fat Sally's Guide to Mob Nicknames. ( Yes I have a Sicilian lineage, and, no, I may be stiff but I'm a mainstream working stiff. But I wonder what Lead Pipe and Black Sam are up to these days. Fat Sally includes these names:

Joseph "Lead Pipe Joe" Todaro
Salvatore "Black Sam" Todaro

Remind me to tell you the story of Louie The Pipe, my friend in Hollywood. Louie, if you're out there, I love you. And I still owe you the story of the coming of Jesus; one more job I created that Bush didn't.