Saturday, October 30, 2004

Bush is scary, vote for Kerry

Oct 30
A lady on the bus back from Florida said her daughter made a sign that said that.

We categorically, unabashedly, wholeheartedly, fervently, earnestly, resolutely, eagerly, ardently, energetically, and spiritedly endorse John Kerry for president, John Edwards for vice president. (Our thanks to J.I. Rodale’s “The Synonym Finder.”)

Bush has lived up to his promise to run America like a business. In fact, he’s been turning it into a business for the past four years. America, Inc. keeps hammering away at a resistant Iraqi population, determined to annex and franchise the second largest oil deposit in the world. Net profit? How about a negative number of $200 billion. The shareholders should be aghast.

For the first eight months of their coup, Bush and his “good people around him” walked around the White House with their hands in their pockets, jingling their change. Domestic policy? It’s around here somewhere. No, not under here, no, not there. We’ll find one soon.

The only Bush domestic policy was to shift the tax burden to the middle class and break the entire United States budget.

Then on 11 September 2004, New York, the Pentagon, and an airliner over Pennsylvania were attacked by Saudi Arabian terrorists working out of Afghanistan. Bush had something to do. As radical as I am, I was with Bush and our government on that one.

But akin to FDR attacking Mexico for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Bush would listen to nothing but a case for regime change and takeover of Iraq. And he gave the wealthy and corporations the biggest government gifts of all time.

Workers were cut adrift from their jobs with no concrete hope for a future. Health care went down the toilet. Weekend warriors were sent on long weekends to hell, sometimes a year or more.

W-Ya! got the big job by the skin of his teeth in an election handed to him by a Supreme Court stacked with one conservative too many. After 091101 he had a chance to step up to bat and meet a great challenge. He let those good-people-around-him dust off a tired old neocon white paper and take over our democracy in the name of experimentation on behalf of a handful of unelected “geniuses” allied with the Christian Coalition.

Bush’s Trojan Horse has attempted to deceive all of us, especially true religious and spiritual citizens around the world. The horse is lame now, the obfuscation exposed. Time to put it down.