When Anthony arrived at Tuesday Group he learned he was cast for last night’s show. Improvisational comedy gives little lead-time. He called but I was already in my pajamas. I’ll have the motor running at seven o’clock Tuesday evenings from now on.
Novak outs Plame; Miller, Cooper face jail?
This is as true as it is Orwellian:
The White House gives Bob Novak the name of Joseph Wilson’s wife, Valerie Plame, as a clandestine CIA operative. The White House source, “a senior administration official,” tells Novak he should probably stay mum. He probably forgot. He does appear a little senile on “CrossssssFierrrrr,” so he blabbed Ms. Plame’s name all over his column. God bless his scooping little heart.
You may recall this all occurred after Mr. Wilson was sent to Nigeria to bring back evidence of Sadam Hussein fishing for yellow-cake uranium. Problem was, no evidence. When the former ambassador wrote about his experience, including White House pressure to find evidence, Karl Ro . . . well somebody on staff wanted revenge.
El Presidente ‘lil Generalissimo Bush promised a “complete investigation” in July 2003. That must have been when he was busy missing all those military funerals and not visiting Walter Reed.
Now Judith Miller (The New York Times) and Matthew Cooper (Time) face jail for refusing to reveal sources. Problem is they didn’t out Plame, Novak did.
“As for Mr. Novak, he is in no apparent jeopardy, for reasons that remain unclear,” writes Nicholas Kristof in today’s Times.
The administration’s favorite ass-kisser takes a pass—Outrageous!