We need more to be thankful for than the food on our table, the clothes on our backs, the job to go to Monday.
We’d like our democracy back. We’d like sanity back in public policy.
I'm thankful for the wisdom of our founding fathers in writing a beautiful constitution. We want it back, we want it adhered to, we want a nation under rule of law.
We're thankful for two beautiful children finding their way in the world. But we need more children like them with real values, not trumped up falsehoods their moron, Fox News enthusiast parents lay on them.
Our bellies are full but our spirits are drained. Fifty million of us versus Fifty-three million morons. We won't go away. Truth, as The Bible says, will set us free. As soon as we get out from under the mess the morons have us in.
As a footnote, I did not intend to post today; meant to keep politics at arms length. But when I looked at my blog I saw a blank. By posting I found it alive and well.