You the people finish this story.
The Redskins lost today, that means Kerry wins. And although The Weekly Reader has never been wrong and shows Bush winning in its poll, a much larger audience, Nickelodeon's 400,000 kid viewers, has Kerry at 56 percent. Neither has ever been wrong but I'd put my nickel on the bigger audience.
Vote. I’ve heard so many excuses. I don’t have time to vote. I haven’t decided yet (it’s the day before the election! Where have you been?) My vote doesn’t count—well that argument doesn’t count. We are in corporate America, if that’s the analogy that works for you. You are a shareholder. It’s your money. Vote!
I have two kids, one is 21 and the other is 23. Based on my knowledge of my two kids and the character of their friends, based on my experience in the trenches with kids like them, I know there is an active movement of new voters that will make the difference in this benchmark year.
I have faith in democracy. Much of that faith emanates from this: The current generation has seen the result of our apathy. They are the change and they are strong. Not only will they carry the day Tuesday, they won’t forget and they will get into the habit of keeping up with what’s going on, the habit of “getting it.”
Then there is the silent majority (thanks, Nixon) but this time they are silent for change and they will show up Tuesday and kick our puppet president out!
From The Washington Post:
“Finally, there is another oddity in some polling this year. In many national polls, Kerry runs better in a subsample of voters in battleground states than he does overall, suggesting that the electorate that has been bombarded by television ads and courted with numerous visits by the candidates may see Bush and Kerry differently than do other voters.
“Matthew Dowd, senior strategist for the Bush-Cheney campaign, disagrees, saying his analysis shows that the battleground states generally track national polls. Kerry strategists believe that battleground voters view Bush more negatively than the overall electorate and that that gives Kerry an important advantage.
“Ultimately, the election will test the president's strategy of creating a new GOP electorate and Rove's bet that the key to victory is an energized GOP base. But Democratic pollster Peter Hart, noting the enthusiasm among Democrats, said Rove's calculations may not be taking into consideration an outpouring of anti-Bush votes. "Karl Rove may be energizing too small a percentage" of the electorate.
“As the campaigns gear up their final get-out-the-vote operations, they know that is something that can be answered only on Election Day.”
The whole article is here:
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