Sunday, November 21, 2004

The last of the “good people around him”

What is in store for the Iraqi people, American service personnel, us, now that perhaps one of the best “people” around GWB, maybe the last voice of reason, has left the administration?

The national security advisor, maybe one of those who failed us the most, is promoted to Collin Powell’s job. Collin Powell’s failure was to acquiesce to an insane ideology when he should have learned his lesson better the first time, in Vietnam. He should have stuck to his guns. He should have resigned in protest two years ago.

The Bush ideology only ever had one objective: To ensure the wealthy tied to guns and oil would profit for many years to come unhindered by the pesky justice of paying for it in taxes.

I thought this bad craziness would be over by now. I am tired. I can’t even read The Bible. Maybe I’ll read the U.S. Constitution again.

Mark Danner writes a thoughtful, reflective, and incisive piece about all this in Today’s NYT.