I’ve been thinking about Amendment II of the U.S. Constitution lately.
“A Well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Too many commas if you ask me, but it was ratified along with the first ten Amendments (Bill of Rights) effective December 15, 1791.
Well, a well-regulated militia from many sates is deployed all over Iraq right now. I believe we call them Reserves and National Guard. They are well prepared and certainly well regulated by The Pentagon and The U.S. Department of Defense. I don’t believe they supplied their own guns and ammunition. Flak jackets, maybe.
Does this mean the Fourth Amendment empowers us, the people, to arm our properties with roof-mounted Kalashnikovs? Why not RPG’s and IRD’s? Land mines, anyone? Where do we stop?
Deer hunting? OK. Personal protection for those authorized to carry pistols? Sure. But after two-hundred-and-thirteen years of technological advancement in weaponry, we just might reevaluate what the amendment means today.
Let’s face it, fundamentalists are lunatics and they are among us.
Tomorrow I begin memorizing The Bible. Commentary to follow.
Joanne makes a perfect chili.