We did our work
Eighty calls made to Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Florida tonight.
Since the “lead up to war,” we have been engaged.
We want a peacetime president who knows our hearts.
We will defeat a phony wartime president.
I am weary from a long fight, but I am strong in my conviction to defeat Karl Rove and his puppet named George W. Bush. And to put down in the name of America his neoconservatives as they attempt to hijack democracy and hold it hostage to solidify a twisted and deranged movement, a movement decorated with the jewelry of a fabricated new-right republican party intent on awarding itself with the riches of the liberty our founding fathers so diligently created and intended to preserve for the people.
The “good-people-around-him” presidency must now end. We the people get it. We now know that the wolves at our necks are the wolves of evil—the evil that would pray on Sunday, sneak up on us on Monday, and rape us on Friday.
The Bush conspiracy is now well documented. There is not much more to add to the equation because those of us who know what has been going on behind our apathetic backs is revealed as the real spine of evil. And it is the false projection of a twisted backbone of American democracy created by these guys: George W. Bush, Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld (and his little mean squirmy staff), ole “Fuck Yourself” Cheney himself, you know who you are.
Peace in great measures to my sisters, my brothers in thought, in heart, who work so hard, who contribute so effortlessly by the actions of their minds.