Friday, November 05, 2004

“Peace Begins”

So-called conservatives were writing today some 4,023 of 4,088 counties went for Bush. Now that’s funny because I didn’t have to reread the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution to recall that it begins with, We the people, not “we the counties.” And since the Electoral College is our system, he won, we lost, by some 100,000 votes cast on Diebold machines in Ohio. As I recall, the chairman of Diebold promised Ohio to Bush many months ago.

Some 50 million and more Americans voted to end this horrible Bush-Administration nightmare. Around three million more of the apparently uninformed voted for Bush (they must be watching Fox News and nothing else).

Nothing changed. But I’m convinced it is those who are apathetic to how government does business who are hurting all of us, putting us in great peril. Yes, we are a divided nation and it’s more than rich versus poor. I am convinced now; there is no question that the division is one of intelligence. It is the wise, the educated by choice, versus stupid fools.

I’ve been running on quarter-speed this week, taking stock of myself, soul searching and working on self-improvement.

It must have been incredible naiveté taking hold of my senses. I really believed our hard work and dedication could make a change in a government that lies to send our young people to die in a war for oil and empire, global dominance fueled by hubris. An administration that spends like drunken sailors on war and sends the bill to our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren . . . causes joblessness, reduced wages, wipes out health care for five million people, deletes decades of environmental protection . . . should surely have to pay on Election Day.

I remembered a little Internet presentation circulated in the prewar days. It was worth revisiting. Peace Begins.

I begin . . .