I propose Amendment XXVIII to the United States Constitution:
“Voters shall be allowed one mulligan* per presidential election. On December 2 of the election year, citizens who see fit to change their votes, or had their votes unjustly rejected, may go to the polls to cast an amended ballot for a presidential candidate.”
This may take a while but who knows, it could happen. Amendment XXVII was proposed September 25, 1789 and ratified 203 years later, on May 7, 1992.
*In the game of golf, a mulligan is one extra tee shot per round not tallied against the score.
Along with Ellen, Mary and I are going to Joanne’s for chili this evening.
A few gloomy days have broken into a sunny, crisp fall morning here on the farm. Yellow leaves, mostly oak, poplar, and maple, are blowing and swirling outside my window.
“Autumn Leaves” is one of my favorite tunes. Can anybody name the movie?